The Magic of Illustration

An illustrated project focused on how illustration can bring a little magic and curiosity into the ordinary. 


Bloom in Blue (2023 - digital, photography)


The Story Behind This Project

I am always working to find ways to bring wonder into my everyday. It started when I was young and now as a 36 year old woman, I find myself still seeking to find magic, joy, and sparks in between the often routine days. This project was inspired by the need to live that out. To take the power into my hands and create a collection of pieces that focus on the magic of art and whimsy in the ordinary. There are a mix of digital illustration, watercolor, and mixed pieces that incorporate both photo and illustration combined. Through them I hope you can capture the essence of what is means to keep hope and the idea of majestic things in your everyday.

The Magic of Illustration
Jena Holliday


Below are the links to the videos shared during the creative process of this project. Full videos featured on our YouTube channel - click here.


Jena Holliday is a fiscal year 2023 recipient of a Creative Support for Individuals grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board. This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation by the Minnesota State Legislature; and by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.

Finally, many thanks to my beloved family, friends, supporters and local community who have continued to support my work and inspire me to hold on to the importance of my voice, style and contribution so that I can continue to use my artwork to uplift others and do good.